Technical characteristics
Material: silver
Average size: 15-20 nm or 35-40 nm
Concentration: 450-550 g/kg
Carrier: H2O
pH: 7-9
Density: 1.99 g/L
Volume: 1kg, 5kg, 10kg, 20kg.
Shelf life: 6 months

Product description
Pro for nano offers silver nanoparticles (also called nano silver or colloidal silver). Silver nanoparticles are suspended in a carrier liquid and are supplied as a concentrated solution.
Available silver nanoparticle sizes:
smaller particles 15-20 nm
bigger particles 35-40 nm
The size distribution of nano silver was confirmed by the transmission electron microscopy.
Nanoparticles are suspended in water, but other carrier liquid are possible. Feel free to contact us regarding the choice of a possible carrier liquid.
Mode of operation and efficacy against microorganisms
This product can be used to treat textiles, plastic, ceramic and metal surfaces. It works by releasing silver ions that inhibit growth of bacteria, fungi, yeast and viruses. Ionic silver is released consistently over extended period of time, i.e. much longer mode of operation than fast disinfectants such as ethanol or isopropanol. Typical dose is 1% (0.01% silver) of ProNanoAg. The product has been tested using standardised methods, log 3-5 reduction (99.9% to 99.999%) was observed:
Textiles DIN EN ISO 20743:2007
Rigid surfaces ISO 22196:2007
How to use it
ProNanoAg is a hypoallergenic products suitable for treating surfaces, textiles, containers for human and animal feedstock to protect against microorganisms. It is a concentrate that requires dilution before use:
For face masks and textiles mix 1 mL of ProNanoAg with 50-200 mL of water. Dip textile in a prepared solution, press it to remove excess liquid and let it dry.
For surfaces mix 1 mL of ProNanoAg with 0.1-1L of water. Use cloth to spread prepared solution on the surface.
BPR and safety
Silver nanoparticle product has been tested on skin with no sensation effect, the results were reported by Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). It has also been tested on human skin (test DTNR: 16/01/06) causing no irritation.
You can read more about nano silver safety here.